Showing posts from October, 2022Show All
what do you know about s400?
میراثی۔۔۔۔ از قلم یوسفی
What are some of the most terrific data about the United States?
Lessons life has taught you that you wish everyone knew?
Native doctor
What are a few interesting facts which aren't commonly known?
Can something prevent a tsunami?
  میٹھا پانی ۔۔۔۔۔۔ سید ضمیر جعفری
As a British citizen, might you be glad to stay in a UK wherein Rishi Sunak turned into high minister?
India-Pakistan are really poor or the problem is corruption.?
پاکستان بندوق کی نوک پر۔
tuj  ko kitnu ka lahu chahey ay arz watan.
How are the delegates selected for the Communist Party’s Congress in China?
Is China's dominance artificial?
Is the Iron Dome vain and inefficient?
کیا نظام ہستی اتفاقات کا نام ہے؟
a comrade woman
آدمی نامہ  یا آرمی نامہ
Why is there a war in Yemen?
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