Is the Iron Dome vain and inefficient?


Jews are famous for being stingy

They are very calculating

It is Israel's defense system that stops missiles and rockets coming towards Israel

A residence in Tell Aviv prices one million bucks. An interceptor charges 50,000 greenbacks.

So, you essentially shop 950,000 greenbacks in every interception further to saving lives. (a million(residence)–50,000(the interceptor)=950,000(savings))

Some would possibly say that now no longer each rocket might hit a residence and ruin it, that is true. (So that the harm might now no longer be so expensive) However, despite the fact that most effective 1 out of 20 rockets could hit and smash a residence, if intercepted, Israel wouldn’t lose money. (50,000 increased through 20 equals one million.) It have to additionally be mentioned that the share of rockets that truly hits homes is more than 5% (5%= 1 out of 20) and that the device can calculate wherein the enemy rocket might hit, in order that interceptors aren’t wasted on goals that wouldn’t hit inner cities

Also, the launching of rockets closely disrupts the lifestyles of citizens, which damages the economy. (As human beings paintings much less and travelers go to much less) The harm is in a million,000s, and minimizing it with the aid of using destroying the rockets saves dozens of tens of thousands and thousands if now no longer loads of hundreds of thousands.

Jews are very good at calculations

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