Uncover the Wonders of Hervey Bay


Hervey Bay, on Australia's Queensland coast, is a gorgeous site. Humpback whales have a distinct habitat.Humpback whales have a special place to call home. Every year, humpback whales swim enormous distances for a good purpose. Hervey Bay is one of their favourite places along the journey. From July to November, the tranquil, safe waters of Hervey Bay become quite active. This is because it's a whale nursery. https://a.co/d/fIXksnx That means mother whales bring their newborns to teach them important skills for the long trek to Antarctica. It's quite cool to see. But Hervey Bay isn't just for whales. Many individuals enjoy visiting. They want to see whales up close. Whale viewing boats leave all the time. This offers you the best This gives you the best view of what whales do, like jumping out of the water or slapping their tails hard on the surface. 


Besides whales, Hervey Bay has more to explore too. Nearby is Fraser Island, the biggest island made of just sand in the whole world. It's a natural wonder waiting for

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