Native doctor

 A person came to the native doctor and said that he was having a lot of pain in his stomach.

    Dr understood that it is constipation.

    Then he asked: How far is your house?

    The patient two kilometers

    Dr, did some calculations on the calculator and took out four spoons of medicine from a bottle and put it in a bowl.

      Dr. Did you come by car or walk?

    The patient by walking

    Dr again did some calculations on the calculator and took some medicine back from the bowl.

    Dr - On which floor is the house?

    Patient - on the third floor

    Dr again did some calculations on the calculator and took out some more medicine from the bowl.

    Dr. Will you go by elevator or climb the stairs?

    The patient From the stairs

    Dr once again did some calculations on the calculator and took out some more medicine from the bowl.


    Dr, now answer the last question - How far is the toilet from the main gate of the house?

    Patient - 20 feet

    Dr did one last calculation on the calculator and took out some more medicine from the bowl.


    Dr - Now give me the money for my medicine first, then drink this medicine, and go home.  Don't stop anywhere.  Then call me.


    The patient did the same

    Half an hour later, the patient called and said in a soft voice:

    Dr, your medicine was very good, but you should fix your calculator

    We lost by ten feet..!!😝😜😂😂

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