What are some interesting facts of Africa?

In South Africa, residents are legally allowed to attach a flamethrower to their cars to prevent hijackings.

The official title of Uganda's dictator, Idi Amin, was "His Excellency, President for Life, Field Marshal Alhaji Dr. Idi Amin Dada, VC, DSO, MC, Lord of all the beasts of the earth and fish of the seas and  Conqueror of British Empire .

 In Ethiopia, the clocks are reversed, where they have 6 to our 12

 . It is estimated that about half of all the gold ever mined on Earth is mined in South Africa.

 Before the British occupation, Africa consisted of 10,000 different states, each with its own customs and traditions and languages.

 There are over 2,000 recognized languages ​​spoken on the continent of Africa.

 South Africa has the highest number of people with HIV/AIDS in the world, with 12% of the population infected.

 Over 40% of Africans are illiterate only 13.5% of Africans have access to the internet.

 Africa is home to the largest living land animal, the African elephant, which weighs up to 7 tonnes, and drinks over 160 liters of water per day.

 Johannesburg, South Africa has been ranked as the 10th most dangerous city in the world.

 The Great Pyramid was constructed from 6.3 million tons of material, and is heavier than all the churches and cathedrals in England combined. .

 According to the UK's National Science Lab, Cape Town, South Africa has the bluest sky in the world.

 18 Nobel laureates have come from Africa, and the only street in the world with 2 Nobel Peace laureates is Vilakazi Street, Soweto, South Africa, home to Nelson Mandela and Archbishop Desmond Tutu.

 The first successful heart transplant was performed in South Africa by Dr. Chris Barnard, a South African.

 South Africa has the third best tap water in the world.

 In Somalia it is illegal to fart in public, it is illegal to stick old chewing gum to the tip of your nose.

 If you are sentenced to prison in Sudan, the government will only provide accommodation. Food should be provided by friends or family.

 In Madagascar, it is a crime for pregnant women to wear a hat.

 South Africa is the first African country to criminalize the recreational use of marijuana.

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