S_400 V/s Himars

 Why is it impossible for the Russian S-400 to destroy HIMARS rockets?


It's breaking news that" Himard " has a significant impact in setting Russia back.

This kind of rockets and this kind of target were not intended for the S400. Short-range air defence systems like the Pantsir, Iron Dome, and C-RAM are necessary for that kind of job.

An s400 system appears to have been destroyed by a HIMARS strike. I'm not sure how wise it was to not provide any short-range air defence system protection for a flagship air defence system. Or Perhaps a Pantsir system was operational at that time, but it was unable to defeat HIMARS' rocket barrage.


Now, it's not that simple to intercept these kinds of rockets. The G-MLRS that Ukraine received has an 84 km range and travels at about Mach 2.5. ( 1918 miles per hour). This implies that it may reach and eliminate its target in 2-4 minutes. To destroy the Rockets, the Pantsir air defence system must first detect, concurrently track, lock onto, and fire its SAM against it. Not as simple as it seems, especially if the SAM or radar operator is inebriated.

Another point is that the s400's capabilities, like those of 95% of Russian weaponry, are grossly overstated. The s400 Triumph system's manufacturer promised that it could actually shoot down these kinds of targets, however it was unable to do so. Generals from Russia, After witnessing so many HIMARS strikes, I'm very sure Russian generals and commanders are not having fun at all. One spoke out and said this.

Additionally, it appears that some members of the Russian MOD may be sacked or perhaps imprisoned as a result of the S400 system's failure.

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