is Siberia liveable?

 Coldest region in the world

Siberia, particularly the southern part of Russia, is not a bad place to be during the winter. It has plenty of sun, rain, and fertile land in vast sections. Your grain and vegetables may occasionally suffer from the erratic whims of the continental environment (extra warm summers, extra chilly winters). However, you may lead a pretty comfortable life as a farmer there if you build a few sizable stashes in good years that Communists and the Czar's servants can't find and remove from you.

In addition, a significant percentage of the population in Russia has long been a die-hard recluse who valued the seclusion of Siberia. The Russian definition of freedom is escape. Siberia might be the place for you if you know how to work the land and are not afraid to be the only person alive for hundreds of miles around.

The German artist Heiko Müller's work below, known as "Omsk Bird," gained international popularity. In the vast Siberian desert stands the ancient Russian city of Omsk. The hazy motif perfectly represented the expansive generosity of limitless nothingness that you can populate with your own demons, free from the intrusion of other people's bothersome presence, limiting judgement, and ridiculous moral standards.

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