Saddam.. reborn of yazeed

 Saddam Hussein was convicted of crimes against humanity, given the death penalty, and executed on December 30, 2006. Saddam Hussein was put on trial by the interim government of Iraq for crimes against humanity committed while he was president of that country

Nevertheless, he was found guilty of crimes against humanity, including purposeful homicide, unlawful detention, deportation, and torture, and he was given the death by hanging as punishment. The former chief judge of Iraq and Saddam's half-brother, an intelligence operative, were both given death sentences.

When Imam Khomeini overthrow the Shah of Iran along with the monarchy, the United States wanted to take revenge because he was the guarantor of American interests in the region.  so they started to strengthen sadam because of his yazidi ideology  he was suitable against Islamic revaluation  Saddam played bloodshed with America that even his predecessor Yazid would have been surprised.  after brutally killing of shia seculor baqaru ssadar he  killed the sister of baqer and said "yazeed made the mistake of leaving Zainab alive. I can't do that."(zanib sister of imam Hussain) Thousands of Kurds were massacred.  2 lakh shia Muslims ware killed brutally whose mass graves are still being discovered, thousands of lawyers, doctors, scientists and scholars were targeted.

 Saddam was puppet of  c.I.a  both are responsible for war crimes but this is ridicules , america brought him in court room as a war criminal

lesson.. be always loyal with your country and nation otherwise you will not be respectable more longer ,in spite of having

 force and weatrocities. CIA officials have admitted on several occasions that they supported Saddam's atrocities........

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