ahmed fraz

at his anniversary of 2022

I used to look at him with wonder, Faraz, this was the beginning of my introduction to life

The leaven of Ahmad Faraz's poetry arises from the virtual love which rises as a force for Faraz

  Faraz has made a dream of love with the same passion of love, which provides good improvement in human life. The love is here in the name of this passion, which is somewhat a war of the world can be done. Framers' swaying, the role of the murderer, but the main idea was to believe in love with the  love of the virtue. That's why the person can not do, he can do nothing. That is why they believe in the love of the Landaden in the way of Faith the Lord, today, he will make it all the creation of the person who has given me the right to face the fascinating tormented and troubles, and the people are found to be like the sorrows, then the ghosts are given to them, the same is the passion of every one who gives the fascinating flames to his covenant. The sorrows are also happy to see the Faith. The paths that they  openly, in this place of loyalty, the treasures of the loyalty in this are the case of the treasures of the treasures, they have been able to reach the place of the love of the world, that the human races are two aspect of the love , and the enemies of the relationship, and the enemies of the human being, the fascinating sanctuary, and the enemies of the human being, do not even do evil, but do not worship me, but do not worship me, killing the same way, I do not want to die, " but the two-way people are forced to be afraid of their heart, but the fear of the fascan is not part of the heart. In which the enemy also knows himself. But if he cares with the view of mind, he does not know himself. It will not be more than you, that the fierce enemy is also known to be aware of the same person, he wants to repeat the faster, as well as fear of the fascinating family. They have the whole knowledge that nothing is obtained from hatred, but hate hatred as well. Then they said, "O my people, I am not able to talk to you my love,do not know me," Do you know that the fools are not bleeding, but only the enemy is better than burning in such a fire. " Flowers and love flowers are opened in hearts. Because it is very little to love life. So it should be taken to the hatred of the hate. While I heard the death of the enemy today, I died, some of the deadly miracle, but the passionate ridation of the general, and the passion can be as per the underwater. Take a lot of love as a relationship. Due to the fascinating faster, the faster is found, it is a bowled neck,  neither empty is a vacant, my passion can be born. When the heart of man is a liar from love. This is the passion which is made of love with great ease of love, even in the heart of the enemy. Faraz did what he said, "In return, the fascinating people were so much to say that the fascinates had to say so much lovers, so that you do not have a hypocrisy, not even the oppression, but the heart of the fascinating never was unhealthy. Rather and the desire has increased. Even the fascinating self-esteem does not guess how much people should love. While the situation is that  and fascinating should you love the mothers of the children in your name, the passion of love is that the fascinating a fax of a favorable lover. In the love of the Lord, the foolishly look clearly. Fabulously loved by the love Where is the moderate of the exception of the extent of the sea, or the unique idea of the fascinating chances of love for the love of the love, it is absolutely clear about the love of the love, love their own experience here, not a good loved one, the armor of the world, who is not the beloved world of the world, which is settlers of the world, and just saw the dream and thought. Rather, the beloved is the same thing that the living is in the world.  beloved can not be heard, Like other scholars, Frances also praised the beauty of their beloved and praise, which shows that the fascinating is not a good idea. As the fascinating the definition of his beloved eye some of them, it has ever seen her eyes, as a matter of view of the flying rozers, like most of the poor, the sons of the beloved, the enemies, the palace, and the eyes of their beloved, has praised their eyes in the right manner. Which is concerned with real life directly. Their beloved eyes are not like inergers, skelets, but a common man. In which the quality of pain and firm can be felt that constantly cutting the mountain of the hoster. There is no sign of eyes due to gold. This is the art of fair that they did not say the eyes of their beloved eyes, the mature, the scale, the bowl, but felt a common man's pain and absorbed completely disrupted in the eyes of his beloved. The imagination of the beloved body has been common in the poetry. Fraz has also praised his beloved body  Since the body of his body is like that the flowers see their tribe of Kerry, Fraz have drawn the image of their beloved body in a new style. The foolish beloved form is so beautiful that whenever he sees flowers, he gets in the makh that I am beautiful that the beloved beloved, he sees his tribe and again, that now I am beautiful but it is to face a lot of time. This is a new example that has been used for the first time in the form of Urdu's poor for the beauty of his beloved body. The praise of the beloved pool is common in the form of Urdu, which Mir was pleased with the rise of his beloved rubbish, "The nakedness of his lord is the rice of the rose, as a flock of the rose, has also been pleased with the rose of his beloved. Mir's mention in many words of the fascinating. The obviously the fascinating was also believed in the mir. He is heard of his lips, and we see the spring in the spring, the fascinating saying, but the style kept new. The protest is the palm resignation for the beloved of the poet. The specialist metal is also recognized. Frames used something like this, I was all told me to destroy all the unbelievers, then it is not a unbelievers in the poetry of the poverty, no one who does neither listen to his lover. Its quality is cured. So the people of the city were considered. Where you are in love with her. They are not even tolerant to listen to anything. But the infidel is so heartful that those who were considered as a fair. They were gradually arrested in the beauty of the disbelievers. See and the lion was seen that the sons of the world were also gumbled that we would not forget the priests that we see that he looks at it. It seems to be the cheerfulness of the same. The fate of the people who saw their beloved is described in this way We also saw it tomorrow evening, it is also a matter of time, the sour is the main subject of Zhou's sloge. fraz  has also appreciated the ruling of his beloved. "The morning, where the morning, and the sun's tunards, the morning, and seeing the praise of the Holy Kharaqar, seeing the praise of the evening, and the flowers open, the flowers openly, see the praise of the beloved things, in the new style, they say," Let's talk about the things, and they are also seen in the attitude of their beloved things, like these things are like a fair, like the case of fabrics like a fair, such as the fabrics like a fair. " But the way the situation does not open the secret, even the secret of his words does not open. Which is due to the fascinating fiscal. Think of her hair is confused. This is a new style of luxury. Which is present in the words of the rest of the beloved and the thoughts of thinking. However, Fraz has praised himself as well as the beauty of his beloved. And with the claim that is a dissolution of the time, then the desire for the reign or the glue, or the lord is not faced with the lips, and the example of the stars, the example of the stars, is still a friend of our word, the most beloved to him. That is why it is said that the beauty of Lily is to see, look at the magnificent views. Appearance was lily black. In which no special thing will be visible to you. But Faiz has claimed that it is not my beauty. The beauty of my beloved is the perfection. This is not my neighbors nor the lips of diamonds nor the face stars are shining. But despite this, if my love became like a lips, . If anyone else is the beloved. I also see who is opposed to my beloved beauty. But people have seen the beloved beloved and seeing this results, see that they are simple, but they say, "There is no magic fascinating brought to the beauty of his beloved. Whereas only the beloved beloved are the beloved. And the farsies are putting the ocean in the beauty of their beloved. And the wicked are enjoying We do not like it, no one is named, you will not even be able to bear the name of the beloved that he has a name of his beloved. Because the fairies who look at their beloved inside, they are not present here and anyone. Now when there is a good worldwide world. So it's a matter of thing. It must be proud of it. Because he is also a beloved. But with the pride, it is joining it. So the beloved  could say, "It could not survive so much from the proud friend, then take the dramatic punishment, and it seems that the fascal was already known. Before the beloved must be proud of. Then they advise that you can already give up your beloved before the hostage of the hugs. Now the beloved is also a gender. Where will he drink? The way the fall of the autumn comes after the spring, as soon as the centers come to the centimeter. In the poetry, there is more importance to the hostage. So Fraz who are spending night on his beloved Hazard, I was still going to die in the hazard, "he would have gone to know the age of being fast, then come to the heart to come to know that after the bowl, then it came to know that after being left behind, it was a world, then there was a world, then where there is a place of the city, then the sprinkle is the matter of the cave, before the fact that the fishermen have taken a delicate before it. Because of which there is now on their lord. But after thousands of durance, even after the danger, the fabulous person is not ready to accept the beloved, and now talk to the courage of the fear of necklace, I am also living in it, even if you are in a very humble man, even after the encouragement is, I am not disturbed by his God's worship, but guide it. Even here, the fascinating took out the aspect of love. "If there is no trick to love, he is not afraid of the deceased, but I am worried about his beloved but not her hatred. Faisons are convinced to talk with love. They are convinced to solve every matter with love. Prayer is not there any questions forced there. For this reason they do not want to fork any kind of love. In the joy of love, he has made his happiness in the beginning of the Turkish relationship, he was in the Turkish relationship, but he did not encourage the fact that his father's attitude is a poet. The Hazar has also consistent with the desire to beloved. And after the bell of the beloved, the life of the life is to be seen by the people of the life of the life, "It is a way to be a man who is far away from the weapon, and the person who is a chest in the sea, then it is a way to be tired of the memories, and the sons of the memories are not only visible in the festival, and the astonishing is not clear about the festival in the festival, and the astonishing is not only the way to be a freak in the festival." And when I do not love me, I will not give me a confession when I did not belive in the festival, but sometimes the two loyalty does not give me the confession, but sometimes the lover is done. " So the flame of the flame was flown, I would cry if you would be able to think that I am in a wishes that I am in a wisdom * I am ashamed of myself, as he was able to trust you, he is also a trust in his beloved. This is also a true love. But the beloved always does not meet the hopes of Urdu poetry. If this is not, then it is the importance of the beloved مجھ I was ashamed of myself, he was sure to be afraid of you, "he said," Do not have to be able to call you trust, and it is your own, but also a princess, which is a princess, which is a princess, which is aware of the patient's patience, which is familiar with the patient's patience. Whoever loves to love but not to express. But in the righteousness of faster, the fascinating love in the heart. Which does not allow to appear. But Faraz is able to know the secrets that is in my heart's heart, but you will not be able to hear, but in your heart! Often, if I am not too good, I am born in love in love, when lover trusted himself, and the fascan trusts himself. So they said, "We did not go too much to pass," the unclean, "said that after all the angels, you want to prove that the fascinating is in the meantime, because of which my girlfriend misses me. And I am tired for him, "What is not the love, and what is the last day of age, then they are in the last day of my beloved." The one who mentioned the fear of some life in this last life is like this, "The worship of the life is to be afraid of the world," It is known as the world, "says the fate of their caste." It feels like If the fascinating and love is separated, the figure will be hollowed in the personality. In the essence of the folk, a foolish embarrassment is emerging in a form of a unbelievers. Who wants to fill the world's grief in his heart. And in return for this love wants to return. Due to the unusual association in the love of Faisa, the fascinating figures are made in the mind of the people. 'The time of the fascinating human being is the common life. The love is not just a bitter but also the passion that force man to become a man.  aftab ahrashi

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