The Cyclical Nature of Prosperity and Adversity


Sheikh Rashid's Wisdom for Dubai's Future

The wind was really howling that day in Dubai! It blew through the tall skyscraper buildings, reminding me of how far we've come. Sheikh Rashid was sitting in his fancy office, looking out at the whole big city below him. He was talking about what will happen later.

"My grandpa lived a long time ago," he started, still looking out the window. "He rode around on a camel in the desert sand, just like my dad did too. But me, I drive a nice Mercedes car! That shows how much better things are now. My son drives a Land Rover, which is very comfortable. But my grandson will still drive his Land Rover, because we've made life good here." 

The reporter with him looked a little worried. "Why's that?" he asked. 

Sheikh Rashid's eyes narrowed as he looked out at the desert sun. "Hard times make for strong people. They learn to deal with problems and take care of themselves. These strong people then make the times easy. But when everything's easy, people get lazy. They think they don't have to try hard. And then they're not as tough. Weaker people come along who are used to getting everything easy. And they end up making hard times again." 

He paused a minute so we could think about what he said. "A lot of folks won't get it. But we have to remember what our families from long ago taught us. We need to raise children who can withstand adversity, not just children who luxuriate in the legacy of their ancestors.   We have to teach our children to work hard, solve their own problems and advocate for themselves. 

Even though he talked quiet, his words really meant something important - like what our grandparents would say. The future of Dubai isn't just about nice things, but about the toughness of its people and remembering lessons from the past.

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