Chinese Fringetree


A masterpiece of nature

Have you ever come across an old tree growing in a garden or park that just seemed to have a story all its own? Well, let me tell you about Miss Flossy - a special Chinese Fringetree I met some years back.

With her clouds of snowy white flowers drifting on the breeze, Miss Flossy looked like something straight out of a storybook. Native to Asia, she'd come all the way over from China and seemed right at home in our little neighborhood. All the kids used to love stopping by to see her magical blooms.

But Miss Flossy wasn't just a pretty face. Underneath those delicate petals,She had a strong backbone beneath her lovely flowers. Many storms had damaged her branches throughout the decades, yet she clung on and continued to grow. ItShe seemed to wish to share her gifts with all of the forest's critters. So next time you go for a walk, keep a look out for Miss Flossy or one of her fringetree companions. They'll show you magic and remind you that even the smallest things have a big story to tell.She seemed to wish to share her gifts with all of the forest's critters. So next time you go for a walk, keep a look out for Miss Flossy or one of her fringetree companions. They'll show you magic and remind you that even the smallest things have a big story to tell. You never know - their resilience and beauty just might inspire you too.

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