China develop hypersonic missile tracking radar.


Tsinghua University Pioneers Next-Gen Microwave Photonic Radar for Hypersonic Defense

Tsinghua University researchers in China have created a groundbreaking microwave photonic radar capable of tracking ten hypersonic missiles traveling at Mach 20 at the same time. The radar has a detection range of more than 600 kilometers and can distinguish between real threats and decoys, allowing for precise targeting. radar is compact and lightweight, making it suitable for integration into air defense missiles and aircraft.The radar was developed by Professor Zheng Xiaoping and his team through combining microwave engineering and photonics using the principles of microwave photonics. 

The compact design allows for easy upgrading of existing defense systems in a cost-effective way. 

It can help make informed split-second decisions in modern warfare by differentiating threats from decoys.

As hypersonic weapons proliferate, this radar represents an important advancement in maintaining strategic advantages through defense innovation. 

The radar exemplifies how scientific progress can transform concepts into practical applications with worldwide impact. 

It signifies a major step forward for China's and global defense technologies through demonstrating what is possible with innovation.

 The unveiling of this radar underscores the continuously evolving nature of military technology.

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