The Alarming Link Between Diet and Health Risks for People of Color


Addressing the Disparities in Stroke and Depression Risks Through Diet Changes

My friend Sarah called me today. She sounded concerned as she spoke to me about her doctor's appointment. "The tests did not go well, Mary. According to Dr. Patel, if I do not change my eating habits, I am at high risk of having another stroke.or develop depression if I don't cut way back."

I nodded as she continued. "And it's not just me - people of color are affected even worse. Dr. Patel said Black patients have a 15% higher stroke risk from eating too much processed food. Can you believe it?" 

We sat quietly for a moment. Then I said, "Sarah, I had no idea what was in those foods could be so dangerous. We always thought a soda here or frozen pizza there couldn't hurt. But it sounds like it's affecting your health in real ways. What can I do to help as you make some changes?"

She smiled gratefully. "Just keep me accountable. Let's plan some homemade meals and go shopping for fresh vegetables together. With your support, I know I can break free of those unhealthy habits and feel better."

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