USS Wisconsin's Fiery Retaliation


A Story of Retaliation and Resilience

On March 15, 1952, the USS Wisconsin experienced its first and only hit of the Korean War. A North Korean 155mm gun battery fired a shell that struck a shield on a starboard-side twin 40mm gun mount. Thankfully, the damage was minor, and although three sailors were injured, there were no fatalities.The response from the crew of the Wisconsin was intense. Driven by a mix of anger and determination, they fired back with all nine of their Mark 7 16-inch guns. These formidable weapons, each capable of launching a 2,700-pound armor-piercing shell over 20 miles, completely destroyed the North Korean gun battery and even part of the mountain it was positioned on.Amidst the tension and relief, a moment of levity emerged. USS Duncan, an escort ship nearby, humorously signaled Wisconsin with the message "Temper, Temper," acknowledging the overwhelming firepower unleashed in retaliation. This episode highlights the blend of resolve and camaraderie aboard the USS Wisconsin, creating a vivid snapshot of naval warfare and human resilience during a turbulent time.

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