Simple and practical Mahmoud Ahmedinejad


Mahmoud Ahmadinejad's Simple Life After the Presidency


name: Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. President of Iran (2005–2013) 

Current job: shepherd and university professor. Transition to a simpler life. 

Stepping down: After his presidency ended in 2013, Ahmadinejad adopted a more humble lifestyle. 

Living Simply: He renounced his presidential pension. I returned to teaching and now make $250 per month at a university.

Living Conditions at Home: Lives in a basic house with minimal conveniences.Getting Around: Opts for public transit and is frequently seen riding buses. 

Hotel Stays: Chooses basic rooms, some of which do not have a bed. Sleeps on the floor with only a mattress and blanket.

Personal Philosophy Leadership and Humility: believes that a true leader should lead a normal life. Believes that leaders should encounter and share the everyday problems of the people.

Early life and career Born: October 28, 1956, in Garmsar, Iran. Education: Has a Ph.D. in Transportation Engineering from Iran University of Science and Technology He is recognized for his academic and engineering achievements.Before entering politics, I worked as an engineer and university lecturer. Contributed to a variety of construction and infrastructure initiatives.

Political career: Mayor of Tehran (2003-2005)Conservative initiatives were employed to promote social fairness and urban redevelopment.

Highlights from the Presidency: Populist economic measures were implemented to decrease poverty and improve social welfare.His term was plagued with controversy, particularly regarding Iran's nuclear program. He faced a lot of resistance and protests, especially during his second term. 

Post-Presidency Activities Ongoing Public Service: He returned to teaching and sharing his knowledge with pupils.Maintains a low lifestyle by engaging in simple hobbies such as sheep herding.

Legacy Public Perception: Some regard him as a symbol of humility and integrity. Others criticize his political and economic initiatives while in office. 

Personal Choices: His willingness to live modestly contrasts sharply with many other leaders who pursue fortune after their terms end.

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