What does the red envelope mean in Chinese traditions?

  "Hongbao" More than just money in Chinese culture!

imagine  it: a bright red pocket, like a fortune, tucked neatly into your hand.  Inside, a promise of good luck and happiness for the coming year.  This is what the red envelope or "Hongbao" means in Chinese culture.  It is more than money hidden inside, it is the magic of good wishes and blessings and prayers


  Think of it as a little hug wrapped in vibrant red paper.  Elders offer them to youngsters at Chinese New Year, parents surprise their children on birthdays, and even friends share good luck at weddings.  Red itself bursts with good fortune, warding off evil spirits and ushering in prosperity.http://surl.li/prtxd 

  This tradition may have originated with ancient tales of mischievous demons, but today, it's about showing you care.  Giving a hong bao with both hands, a slight smile, and heartfelt desire creates a beautiful moment of connection.http://surl.li/prttl

  And guess what?  This fortune has also gone digital!  Now, blessings can zip through messaging apps, spreading joy with just a tap.  So, whether you're grabbing a paper envelope or sending a virtual one, remember that the real magic lies in love and good wishes.

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