what does a true leader look like?

 ✍️ Jawaharlal's father educated his son like royalty, brought him up like Nawabs, educated him at Cambridge University and when he returned to India as a barrister, got him good clients in Allahabad...

 But Jawaharlal Nehru was the owner of communist mentality, he wanted to create equality in the society by coming into politics.

 Father explained a lot, but didn't work, one day he took out all the valuable suits, shoes and cigars from Jawaharlal Nehru's closet and distributed them among his friends' children, and in their place hung two Khadar pajamas and three kurtas.  Hand-made country shoes were kept, all the furniture was removed from Jawahar Lal's room, rough cloth and a thick sheet were spread on the floor and the Khansaman was ordered to start giving Jail food to Sahibzada and his son.  Pocket spending has also been stopped...

 When Jawaharlal Nehru saw this condition of his room, he came to his father smiling at night, elder Nehru was reading Tolstoy's novel *War and Peace* in the study at that time...

 The son asked, "Are you afraid of me?"

 Motilal looked up from the book and replied in a soft voice:

 *I will be the last person in the world to be angry with you*

 Little Nehru asked;

 Then why did you do such a big operation..?

 The father said to the son;

 Sir, in the path you have chosen, there is nothing but prison, hunger and degradation, I want you to get used to all the things that are going to happen to you from this day...

 The second is that the poor have nothing but trust, so they trust others very thoughtfully...

 If you want to talk about a common man, then you should be a common man yourself...


 If you wear an English suit and Italian shoes and talk about the poor, no one will believe you.

 I don't want the world to call my son a hypocrite...!!

 So from today you will wear the clothes that the poor wears and you will spend as much money as the poor have in their pockets...

 Jawaharlal Nehru kissed his father's hand and then until his death wore Khadar clothes and country shoes and ate simple food like the poor...

 The greatest tragedy of our country is the lack of such leadership.


 Leaders all over the world are usually from big families, they are highly educated, they have global exposure and they are rooted from within but when these people come to politics, they are austere and poor.  Bringing the gift of...

 They don't just talk about common people, they also look like common people, but this is not the case in our country...

 We are diving into a terrifying tide of *Dirty Politics*...

 * The three major political parties of the country certainly talk about the poor, but the lifestyle and personality of their leaders do not match their words.

 Living in thousands of Kanal bungalows and farmhouses, receiving several lakhs of monthly salaries and receiving privileges and protocols from around the world, having big houses and bank balances abroad, bulletproof cars and planes and helicopters are like street bikes.  Not all our Prime Ministers who use can be leaders of a poor country...

 *If you want to take leaders, take them from the poor people who live in five to seven marla houses like ordinary citizens*

 Like Angela, the German chancellor should complete a five-year term in power with two or three suits and one coat, but make millions of people around the world loyal to him with his character...

 Like Barack Obama, after finishing the presidency, he is looking for a house to rent...

 This expectation from Pakistanis and especially those with a slave mindset is futile...

  *In our destiny leaders are not cheaters*

 (don't bother thinking)

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