French driver and Nazis

 * At the end of the Second World War, the German army received an order to evacuate France, so the German commandant gathered the officers and said *

 *We have lost the Nazi war, France is slipping away from us.  This is true, and it is also true that we may not even be allowed to enter France again for the next 50 years, so I order that Paris's museums, art galleries full of artefacts and culture-rich artisans  If you can wrap something, wrap it up.  When the French took over the city, they found nothing but a burnt-out Paris.

 * The general's order was that all the officers broke into the museums and brought the antiquities worth billions of dollars.  Among them were Deutsche's Mona Lisa, Van Gogh's paintings, Venus de Milo's marble sculpture to leave nothing out.  When the museums were empty, the general put all the artifacts on a train and ordered the train to be taken to Germany.  The train left, but as soon as it left the city, its engine broke down.  Engineers came and fixed the engine and the train started again but after covering 10 km its wheels jammed*.  * The engineer came and fixed the problem and the train started again but after a few kilometers the boiler exploded.  The engineer came, the boiler was repaired, and the train started again. It had only gone a short distance before the pressurizing pistons responded. The engineer came, the pistons were repaired, and the train departed. The train continued to break down, and the German engineers continued to fix it until  The French took over the power of France and the train remained in French territory.*

 *The driver of the train received a message saying "Monsieur, thank you very much, but now the train will not return to Germany".* The driver waved his fists in the air and left for Paris.  was standing for, flowers were sprinkled on the driver, then the microphone was given in his hand, the driver said, "The German donkeys filled the train with antiques, but they forgot that the driver is French and if the driver doesn't want it, the car will never reach its destination."  but does not deliver"*

 * Years later, Hollywood made the movie "The Train" on this driver*-

 * If you look at the history of your country, it is no less than the story of "The Train", sometimes the engine fails, sometimes the wheel jams, sometimes the piston explodes, sometimes the boiler.  A crisis has been a crisis since day one.

 * The driver of this train is actually someone else who is not allowing him to reach the destination - we all have to find the unknown driver first of all.

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