Are you aware of Judge Kharak Singh, a famous historical figure?

"The windows rattle with the rattle of Kharak Singh."

  You must have heard this quote from your childhood, but you might not know the story behind it.

  Kharak Singh was the paternal uncle of the Maharaja of Patiala, the most influential large landlord of Patiala and also the village panchayat sarpanch.

  One day, getting fed up with the banter, he came to his nephew and said that the seat of the session judge of the city is vacant, make me a judge.

  In those days, the orders of any Sessions Judge came from the British Viceroy

  After writing leave from his nephew, Kharak Singh went to the Viceroy, the Viceroy read the letter.

  Viceroy: Name?

  "Kharak Singh"

  Viceroy: Education?

  Kharak Singh: "Is it the judge or the schoolmaster?"

  Viceroy laughs: "Sardarji I mean how will you distinguish between good and bad if you have even studied law?"

  Kharak Singh stroked his mustache and said:

   "Why should I carry the load of books like a donkey for so much work? I have been making Panchayat decisions for years.

  The Viceroy thought that who should be confused with the Maharaja who recommended him and his uncle. Signed the petition and issued the decree of Justice Kharak Singh.

  Now Kharak Singh returned to Patiala and the next day arrived in the court room as a judge. Coincidentally, the first case was murder.

  In the dock, there were four accused on one side and a crying woman on the other side.

  Before sitting on the chair, Justice saw the parties carefully and understood the matter.


  A police officer came with some paper and said, "My lord, this woman is Kranti Kaur. It is alleged that these four people have killed her husband."

  Justice Kharak Singh asked the woman for details.

  The woman said:

   "Sarkar had a spear in the hand of the one on the right side and a sickle in the hand of the equal one and a stick in the hands of the other two. All four of them came out of the field of Kumad and beat Khassim (husband) to death."

  Justice Kharak Singh looked at the four with anger and asked: "Why did you, miscreants, kill the servant?"

  said the man standing on the right.

  "No sir, I had many (shovels) in my hand," the other said, "I didn't even have a sickle in my hand. We only went to talk and our aim was only to explain."

  Kharak Singh angrily said, "Whatever happens, the man is dead, isn't he?"

  Then he grabbed a pen and started to write something, suddenly a person wearing a black coat stood up and said, "My Lord, stop, this case is very complicated, it was a land dispute and the land on which it happened is also the land of the accused. Is the victim there?" Why did you go?"

  Justice Kharak Singh asked the police officer who is this person in black coat?

  "Sir, this is the lawyer for these four," replied the policeman.

  So they did not have a servant who is speaking on their behalf, then Kharak Singh asked the lawyer Safai to stand with the four of them and then wrote a one-line decision and signed it.

  It was written in the decision

   These four killers and their lawyer should be hanged tomorrow morning!

  There was a commotion in Patiala, people everywhere started trembling in the name of Kharak Singh that Kharak Singh hangs criminals along with their lawyers, suddenly the crime rate became zero, no lawyer would take the case of a criminal, unless  Kharak Singh Patiala was the judge, there was peace in the state and people from neighboring states brought their cases to Kharak Singh's court and got quick justice.

  This incident has a profound lesson for the educated judges of today that if justice is done quickly and the criminals along with their lawyers are punished, then the crime rate in the country will be reduced to zero.

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