civilized china

 What ancient Chinese proverb would you impart to the younger generation?

"You are what you eat," my grandpa used to say. My advice to the younger generation is to nourish your body, mind, and soul with wholesome foods and upbeat thoughts. so that while you travel here, you can enjoy comfort and a healthy growth. If you give yourself negative thoughts, your path might be difficult. Your sole obligation to yourself is this. Nobody else has the right to define who you are or what you ought to do. You must look after your energies and discover the means through knowledge and experience.

Never opt for a quick fix. The best rewards come from working hard and knowing that you earned them through toil and toil. Many people become wealthy quickly, but they risk losing their happiness and maybe their riches just as quickly as they gain it. Enjoy everything that is provided to you, regardless of what you possess or lack. Each of us is carrying the frequency and vibration required to complete this journey, and we are all intended to be in this exact location. Everyone has access to the tools. Just pay attention to your inner voice. Say "No" to harmful thoughts and negative energies that will increase your karma for the voyage.

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