Stalingrad battle

 One of the most horrifying battles in human history took place at Stalingrad. No film, despite Enemy at the Gates' best efforts, can adequately depict the events at Stalingrad. No movie could be made with the material.

The streets were covered in corpses. Winter was only good in that the bodies froze and didn't smell as awful.

According to survivors, the mud in various areas of the city had various tastes, with some areas being sweeter than others. Dead fish and human heads were scattered along the banks of the Volga. Before humans could consume river clay, it had to be cleaned of any blood. Germans have been reported to have engaged in cannibalism.

When the Soviets arrived at Paulus' offices, they immediately noticed how foul it smelled. The males were afraid to walk outside, so human waste was piled up to the waist.

Men held positions in close proximity to their foe, enduring constant fear and enmity. In many ways, Stalingrad resembled hell on earth.

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