stranger ball

 They found a strange ball floating in the

Indian Ocean. This strange smelly object was spotted off the coast of Bunbury, Western Australia. The fishermen were very confused by its soft texture, pink color, round shape and bad smell. Mark Watkins, one of the fishermen who discovered the strange object, said that at first he had no idea what it was. In the end they discovered that it was a whale that had died.The whales' stomachs are stuffed with gas while they are still alive. This gas is usually not too much. However, the concentration of gas in the dead whale's belly was so high that it started to float in the water. It swelled more when exposed to the sun's heat, making the whale's original shape impossible to recognise.

 In actuality, the image above depicts the enlarged stomach of a deceased whale.

 Watkins could see the whale carcass deflating as he moved away from it. It appears that a school of sharks started to consume the carcass before the foreign object finally started to deflate.

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