Benjamin Banneker


A Beacon of Knowledge and Determination in Early America

Benjamin Banneker was always curious about the world, even though opportunities weren't always easy to come by in 1700s America for a free Black man like himself. Through perseverance and long hours poring over books and stargazing at night, he gained immense knowledge that could have earned any scholar acclaim. But Benjamin's greatest joy was using his gifts to help his community. 

When the call went out to survey the new District of Columbia, Benjamin stepped up to ensure the boundaries were measured with utmost precision, as accurate as his mathematics allowed. It was a point of pride that this city rising at the dawn of the nation would be founded on his excellence. His proud correspondence with Mr. Jefferson, though perhaps not changing any minds in an instant, showed that a man of science and reason could come in any skin, and helped push closer to the day when all men could be free.

Benjamin Banneker's light continues shining as an inspiration that determination and care for others can overcome any barrier. His was a life that lifted others in his own lifetime and across the centuries

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