Mysterious Ancient Burial Unearthed on Teviec Island


Insights into Ancient Customs and Social Dynamics"

Excavators on Teviec Island, off the coast of France, made a startling discovery – the skeletons of two women buried around 6500 years ago. The bodies were found covered in landfill debris and carefully interred under a roof of horns.

Discoveries and excavations: Excavations on Teviak Island uncovered the remains of two women buried 6,500 years ago.The bodies were covered with debris and buried on top of horns, indicating careful burial of the bodies.

Preservation duration: Marine carbonate helped preserve the bodies for thousands of years, which is why they preserved so well.

 Evidence of disturbance: A close examination revealed disturbances in the skeleton. Two of the five injury marks on the woman’s skull were fatal. The blade was clear between the eyes of the other women. Despite the gruesome murders, the two women were buried with treasures of rocks, seashells, and fragments of pig bone, indicating their social status or importance.

Current exhibitions: These ancient monuments and relics can now be displayed at the Toulouse Museum in France, providing information about life on the island of Teviec thousands of years ago as well as old burial designs. In conclusion, the discovery of the Teviak Island burial site sheds information on the burial customs and social dynamics of ancient peoples, providing a window into their lives and deaths. 

Source: French Touluse Museum Teviec Reports on excavations from the island….for more visit

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