Life Before the White Men Arrived in AMRICA


No Prisons or Delinquents No Prisons: We didn't have any prisons. 

No Delinquents: Because there were no prisons, there were also no delinquents. 

 No Locks or Keys: We had no need for locks or keys.

No Theft: As a result, there were no thieves among us.

 Sharing with the Poor : If someone couldn’t afford basic necessities like a horse, tent, or blanket, they were given these items as gifts.

No Importance to Private Property 

Private Property: We didn’t give much importance to private property. 

No Money: We didn’t use money. Human Value: A person's worth wasn't determined by their wealth.

No written laws, lawyers, or politicians 

No Written Laws: We had no formal written laws. 

No Lawyers or Politicians: We didn't have lawyers or politicians.

Honesty: This meant we didn’t cheat or swindle each other. Life Without "Civilized" Necessities Absence of "Civilized" 

Necessities: We lacked many things that are considered essential in a "civilized" society. 

Self-Sufficiency: Despite this, we managed our lives well.

 Conclusion:Content and Management: Before the arrival of white men, our society functioned without prisons, locks, money, or written laws.

Questioning Civilization: We question whether these elements are truly necessary for a successful society.

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