why do zebras have stripes?


Zebra Stripes: Nature's Fashion Statement or Bug-Battling Body Armor?

Ah, the zebra! The fashion icon of the animal kingdom. But those bold black and white stripes—are they just a statement piece, or do they have a more practical purpose? Buckle up, because we're about to unravel the zebra's striped secret!

Theory #1: Stripes vs. Lions: A Fashion Faux Pas?

For years, we all thought stripes were like nature's high-vis vest, confusing lions and making zebras look like a giant, flickering mess. "Hey lion, fancy chasing a psychedelic windmill instead?" Not quite. It turns out that lions, like many predators, are partially colorblind. So much for the runway defense!https://rb.gy/wrrvts

Theory #2: The Great Fly Wars

Here's the real kicker: those stripes might be zebra-sized bug repellent! Imagine a million tiny, buzzing vampires trying to land on a moving black-and-white target. Not exactly an all-you-can-eat buffet for flies. It seems those stripes are nature's way of saying, "Buzz off!"https://idm.in/Cruv3qI

Theory #3: Zebra Razzle Dazzle

Another idea is that the stripes confuse predators when a whole herd of zebras bolts. Imagine a cheetah trying to focus on one lunch option when the whole herd becomes a shimmering, striped wave. Talk about a commitment to group costume coordination!https://rb.gy/jrz8ey

So, the truth is a bit of a zebra mystery! Maybe the stripes are a combo platter of all these reasons, or maybe there's something else entirely at play. One thing's for sure: zebras prove that black and white never goes out of style—especially when it keeps you safe from pesky flies and confused lions!

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