The untimely call of the Rooster

The Rooster's Awakening

REX the neighbor's rooster . Rex is a charming name. But at 4:30 in the morning, paired with a loud "COCK-A-DOODLE-DOO!" that could wake the dead, it's a different story (maybe Rex's target audience).

He is a very agile and clever rooster. He is also fearless and brave. Rex has survived several attacks by cats and dogs. Now his voice has become louder and harsher.

In the early weeks, there were blurry, tired eyes, lots of coffee, and constant, dull headaches. I tried various remedies: earplugs (which proved useless against Rex's operatic vocal range), blackout curtains (apparently, morning breaks don't need windows), and even soothing ocean sounds. Wally White Noise applications were also downloaded, but Rex's voice beat them all.

One sunny afternoon, Rix was chilling with his buddies. I suggested he not wake up earlier in the morning. Instead of taking it well, he abused and lashed out at me. I was left feeling awkward, thinking to myself, "I shouldn't be a rooster with a rooster!"

During those days, our soccer tournament was in full swing. As fate would have it, we emerged victorious and had to host the guest players on the team. We decided to roast the rex in celebration. Surrounded by clucking chickens, the Rex was whisked away to a nearby cattle pen,but luck wasn't on our side. Rex declared war, the entire neighborhood's idle folks gathered, and Rex managed to escape.

The following day, I awoke once again to the sound of Rex, but this time it was a gentle noise. As I glanced out the window, I observed him strolling around the chicken coop, pausing now and then to sing a softer, more soothing tune to his hens. Like a Hollywood survivor. Gradually, I found myself growing fond of him.

Hey Rex, I must admit, you managed to keep me up all night, but in the end, it was worth it. Your antics made me truly appreciate the breathtaking sunrise, the harmonious melody of the farm, and even the boldness of that rooster with big dreams. However, if you could possibly consider putting on your show in the afternoon next time, that would be fantastic! for more related visit


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