A snake's spit can protect it from being hunted by a hawk


Snake's Spit: A Surprising Defense Against Hawk Attacks"

  A snake's "spit" i.e. poisonous venom is an important means of its self-defense.  Whenever a snake feels that it is in danger, it collects the venom from its teeth in its stomach and then expels it from its mouth in preparation for a dangerous attack.


  For the hawk, in this situation, the snake's spit can help protect it from being preyed upon by the hawk.  The falcon attacks from above like a bird, causing the snake to fall to the ground and the falcon having to descend to catch it.  If a snake spits and a hawk tries to catch it, the spit can make for a dangerous attack by the hawk.

A hawk  is a very powerful and fast flying bird and usually a hunter can hunt a snake at any time, although the hawker must have excellent training, skill and experience. https://bit.ly/3TOVPrf

 A hawk's gait is relatively uncomplicated, and it can swoop down from the sky to the ground to get close to its prey.  The hawk usually attacks its target by swooping down on the crest and kills the snake by grabbing the snake with its talons or nose.

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