Does the soul return to the universe?

 Scientists have proved that the human soul does not die. It returns to the universe.

   ✍️: Emily

   The reason many of us fear death is because we don't understand it.  We cannot prepare for what we do not know and the unknown is thus scary.  So we keep asking ourselves: "What happens to us after we die?".

   According to two leading scientists, the human brain is a biological computer and human consciousness is just a software program activated by the 'bio-quantum computer' inside the brain.

   Moreover, it exists even after death.  Researchers say that after people die, the soul returns to the universe.  It does not die.

   British scientist Dr. Sam Parnia believes that human consciousness lives on even after we die.  He shared his findings on Morgan Freeman's Netflix show "God's Story."  Here's what he, along with other leading scientists, found.

   The study was conducted over a four-year period and involved more than 2,000 people who had suffered a heart attack.  According to the analysis, about 40 percent of the surviving patients reported that they were aware of the moments when they were clinically dead.  Of the 140 survivors, 39 percent reported experiencing common near-death experiences.

   They felt relaxed and time seemed to pass very slowly.  Some recalled seeing a bright yellow light or an unexpected flash.

   Dr. Sam Parnia, an assistant professor at the State University of New York, conducted the study and said that patients who described their near-death experiences were telling stories of hallucinations.  One man, however, gave a "realistic" description of what was happening as doctors and nurses tried to revive him.

   He was dead for a few minutes when he came back to life.  When he regained consciousness, the man said he had left his body and could see very clearly what was happening around him in the room.

   If the heart is closed, the mind cannot function.

   Speaking to the Telegraph about the 57-year-old social worker in Southampton, Dr Parnia explained: "The man described everything that happened in the room, but the most important thing is that he used a machine.  Heard beeping twice every three minutes.

   So we were able to measure how long the experience lasted," "Actually, if the heart doesn't beat, our brain can't function.  But in this situation, the conscious experience lasted for three minutes after the man's heart stopped working.

   Dr Parnia is not alone in his views.  After extensive research, Stuart Hameroff of the University of Arizona and British physicist Sir Roger Penrose also believe that when our bodies die physically, our spirit, or what they call "consciousness," lives on forever.

   Scientists are beginning to discover that the soul is made up of information that can be stored at the quantum level.  It is the quantum mechanisms, or behavior of matter, that make infinite processes possible.

   Dr. Hameroff and Dr. Roger conclude that the soul and its consciousness are merely stored information.  Think of the conscious mind as a program on a computer.  Even if the computer itself dies, the program continues to evolve.

   This way of thinking led them to say that even after a person dies, his soul returns to the universe, and does not die itself.

   This theory was recently explained in the Science Channel documentary show Through the Wormhole.

   On the show, Dr. Hameroff explained: "Imagine the heart stops, the blood can't flow; the microtubules lose their quantum state but not the quantum information. We can't destroy it. And it just spreads out into the universe."  and spreads. If the patient revives, this quantum information can return to the microtubules.

   This is why the patient says that he has had a near-death experience.  However, if the person dies, this quantum information may continue even though they have already left the body.

   And perhaps that is what we call soul.

   Scientists further say that what humans think of as consciousness is actually the result of quantum gravity effects inside the so-called microtubules.

   This process has been named "orchestrated objective reduction" (arch-OR) after the two scientists.

   His theory argues that when people go through a stage known as 'clinical death', the brain's microtubules lose their quantum state.  However, they retain the information contained within them.

   Dr. Hans-Peter Dürr, who once headed the institute, has said: "This world, it is only the material level that we can perceive. "What lies beyond is an absolute reality that is far greater.  "The body dies, but the spiritual quantum field remains. Thus we become immortal."

   "The origin of consciousness reflects our place in the universe, the nature of our existence. Did consciousness evolve from complex computations between neurons in the brain, as most scientists claim? Or did consciousness, in some sense, exist here?  Is there all the time, as the spiritual perspective persists?"  Ask Hameroff and Penrose in the current review.

   "This opens up a Pandora's box, but our theory accommodates both of these theories, suggesting that consciousness derives from quantum vibrations in microtubules, protein polymers within the brain's neurons, that control both neuronal and synaptic functions.  control, and link the mind's processes to self-regulating processes.The finer-scale, 'proto-conscious' quantum structure of reality.

   Selection Translation: Hasnain Rimal

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