how harmful is plastic?

 Environmental pollution is becoming a serious problem for the whole world. The use of plastic products is a major cause of environmental and air pollution. Plastics last for years without decomposing,  everything else within the natural environment is degrade into soil. While plastic, in the form of bags or otherforms eventually degrades, it becomes tiny plastic particles, which is at odds with natural cycles of regeneration. Then these particles spread in water and soil. You know that water and soil are the guarantor of life on earth. This polluted water can destroy terrestrial life as well as marine life and the basic elements of nature are poisoned by the consumption of microplastic waste.

    According to scientists, at present every fifth of the sand on some beaches is made of plastic, the sand is used in your buildings and the use of this substandard sand is alarming. If plastic products are burned, then its smoke is very dangerous for the lungs of humans, birds and animals which is the main cause of asthma, besides it causes air pollution. Which is directly related to climate change.. means more cold in winter and more heat in summer

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