What are the similarities between Nazi Germany and America?

 Both entities pursued similar strategies, albeit with varying scales and success:

 Both the US and Nazi Germany pursued a policy to systemically eradicate unwanted ethnicities in their borders. Jews for Germany and Native Americans for the US in this case. While Germany killed a much larger number of Jews, the US ultimately was more successful in their endeavor as they were able to effectively isolate and reduce the Native American population to a minuscule percentage. The total percent of Native Americans is at a measly 2% of total US population, and that is already taking the 1/16th rule into consideration.Both the US and Nazi Germany pursued a concept of “living space”, which involves cleansing large areas of unwanted natives to make more living room for the superior race. For the US, this is called Manifest Destiny, while Nazi Germany called theirs Lebensraum. It is important to note that Manifest Destiny served as an inspiration for the concept of Lebensraum given how widely successful the US's colonization efforts were (as well as its genocide of natives).Both the US and Nazi Germany were very aggressively expansive, with the US growing over 400% since its inception. Arguably the US is still extremely aggressive but it is no longer actively expanding its borders.


Germany hanging of Slavic civilians


US hanging of Sioux men

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