It is said that if you want to kill a strong man, then stab at his inner strength

 It is said that a king had killed his old gatekeeper with false declarations. 

 He stabbed his self-cofidence .A tough man who had been fighting to  bed circumastances by his will power for years had been killed by the childish consolations of a false  king. This tragedy belongs to the whole society today.  The common man is shown green gardens, which kills the inner man and he starts running after mirages and loses what he had

For a long time, this formula is being tested in Gilgit-Baltistan. The  tough people here are being broken . As a result of which the practice of spooning is growing. And the speed with which the number of spooners is increasing. It is possible that Gilgit-Baltistan will emerge as a warehouse of spoons in the world scene.

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