Pakistani stubbornness

 Ten Pakistanis came one day together with a Saudi to install marble tiles in the building as part of our AC duct project in the Saudi Arabian city of Al-Qasim Burida. On the marble ceiling, it is easily recognisable.both parties agreed  at 2700 riyals.

Well, they were all diligent workers and finished the task in about six hours. and made a call to the Saudi for labour. The Saudi now began providing justifications for why there was less employment.

You folks demanded more money, etc. The Saudi donated 2,000 riyals. They removed it out of rage. The following day, we were very busy at work. He cried, "Allah, the Pakistani Majnu," when the sound of the Saudi call could be heard or when the Shahzad fled. When I inquired in Arabic about what had transpired, they responded that the Pakistanis had once more removed and laid down all the marble at night.

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