Hitler's romance


When and with whom did Hitler fall in love?

Hitler apparently only approved of her within a very narrow range. I occasionally visited her in her exile, which was in a space near to Hitler's bedroom. She was so afraid that she dared not go for a walk outside. I rapidly grew fond of this unhappy woman who, out of sympathy for her situation, was so committed to Hitler.

Gitta Sereny writes in Albert Speer: His Battle With Truth that Speer had been concerned by Hitler's treatment of Eva Braun. He overheard Hitler saying that a highly intelligent man should always marry a simple and foolish lady one evening at the Berghof:Hoffman referred to him as Herr Wolf, which was acceptable to Eva, who had never heard of Hitler in any case. She described him as "a gentleman of a certain age, bearing a large felt hat, and sporting a comical moustache." Heinrich Hoffman remembered saying to him, "She was just a cute little creature, in whom he found the kind of rest and relaxation he craved, perhaps just because of her little and feather-brained viewpoint... However, he never acted in a way that implied a deeper interest in her through his voice, demeanour, or gestures."The Führer once said that a highly intelligent man should always choose a primitive and stupid woman because he could mould her. At first glance, their attraction appears to be nothing more than an appeal to one another's egos. Eva, who is always self-centered, was touched by an Alpha male's attentions. Hitler, it must be remembered, was already involved with his young niece, Geli Raubal, and it was not until late 1931, following Geli's demise, that he started to seriously consider Eva. Hitler's most reliable biographer, Ian Kershaw, claims that Geli was the only woman for whom he ever had strong feelings or on whom he was emotionally dependent. Eva Braun was a model of a comeback.

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