do you know Japanese Sainte in Afghanistan?

Dr. Tetsu Nakamura

 Nature becomes enraged when innocent people's blood is spilled on particular parts of the land, and rather than waiting for the afterlife, it begins holding people accountable in the present. Consider how many innocent individuals have been slaughtered in Pakistan and Afghanistan while neither the killer nor the offender have been apprehended. Why? Because murderers, criminals, and bad characters are in charge of the system here, the common people and aristocracy are forced to bear the consequences. For instance, Dr. Tetsu Nakamura, who left Japan to aid the underprivileged in Pakistan and Afghanistan, initially began treating leprosy patients and working with villages to improve water systems in order to repopulate arid lands and people's problems are less. Such messiahs do not arise naturally; nature imposes them.then they travel to any part of the globe in any shape. Sadly, this messiah was also assassinated, and his killers are still at large. How can there be peace and peace in a place where the blood of Allah's saints has been shed?

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