Do you know the brave daughter of Imam Ali?

Who overthrew the government of Yazid along with his conspiracies

 "O Kufah's populace! Oh, woe to you! Do you know where on the Prophet of Allah you have slashed? And which vow did you break? And whose blood have you spilled? And whose esteemed family have you taken captive and shown to the public? And whose sanctity have you offended? You took action that could shatter the sky, crack the earth, and make the mountains disappear. Your blatant act has no counterpart, resemblance, or decency wherever on Earth or in the depths of the sky. You really have committed the most repulsive, tragic, and horrific act.

The Kufa people who had deserted their Imam in Karbala were confronted by Hadrat Zainab bint Ali (as) with these comments.

One must comprehend two ideas in order to completely understand the message of Karbala. One is Imam Hussain's (as) ascension, while the other is Zainab's ascension (as). Hadrat Zainab (as) was a notable character in the history of Karbala who possessed divine fortitude and endurance. Hadrat Zainab stood tall and uttered the following after her brother and her two sons were killed at the Battle of Karbala: "Oh, my God! Accept the humble offering we make to You."

Hadrat Zainab (as) rose to fame due to her moral lifestyle. She embodied the best qualities in her character. She was compared to her grandma Umm-al-Mumineen Hadrat Khadija (as) in sobriety and tranquilly, to her holy mother Hadrat Fatima (as) in chastity and modesty, and to her holy father in eloquence.

When the soldiers of Yazid son of Muawiya ruthlessly slaughtered her brother Imam Hussain (as) and other members of the Holy Prophet of Islam's (saw) family at Karbala in 61 A.H., Hadrat Zainab (A.S.) announced to the world the tremendous sacrifices made by them. Contrarily, despite all the suffering and difficulties, the women and children who witnessed the extremely inhumane and ruthless violence in Karbala did not become hopeless, depressed, or give in. On the contrary, they were quite the opposite. They spoke up, got to their feet, and blamed Yazid. They were quite forceful and definite in their views rather than being afraid or anxious.

A portion of the sermon that Hadrat Zainab (as) bravely delivered in theYazid son of Muawiya's gathering in Syria rocked his majlis and is now audible throughout space and time:

"By Allah (SWT), you cannot make people forget about us or lose interest in our message. You can never remove the stain of this murder from your hands, and you will never approach our greatness. Your populace will disperse, your reign will be brief, and your decisions won't be consistent. "In fact, may the curse of Allah (SWT) be upon the oppressors," a voice will cry out on that day.

Hadrat Zeinab (as) emphasised in her talks that the terrible circumstances endured by the righteous should in no way impact them. She emphasised that they (AhlulBayt) are a powerful people.Despite the severe and cruel tragedy that befell her and her family, she maintained her confidence and faith. The prophet's family used the position and the challenges they faced, led by the brave Hadrat Zainab, to convert this threat into an opportunity (as).

a prime example of resistance against repression and injustice. a patient and resilient woman. The continuation of her brother's uprising, the preaching of ferocious sermons in the direction of Kufa and Syria, and the awakening of gullible people who had been misled by the poisonous propaganda of Yazid son of Muawiya and the martyred Imam Hussain (as) as a non-Muslim man were the greatest acts of worship. In Kufa and Damascus, her preaching sparked a movement that challenged the foundations ofYazid's realm, and even Yazid's son disgraced the oppressive Umayyad dynasty by leaving the government after first refusing to succeed his father as king.

Hadrat Zainab (as) experienced great suffering during her lifetime as a result of seeing her loved ones suffer martyrdom in front of her, but she never resisted the fate that Allah had predetermined for her. Her submission is remarkable in its thoroughness. She poured forth her enormous humanity in her expression of pain.

Hadrat Zainab played an excellent performance. It demonstrated the tenacity of Muslim women and how they were instrumental in solidifying Islamic principles. Even with all the advancements and the growth of education, so many Muslim women are still oppressed today.

A woman's voice may not even be allowed to be heard in public in some so-called Muslim countries, but Zainab (as), a member of the Imam's family, became a public speaker to defend Islamic principles. After Karbala, Hadrat Zainab was tasked with taking over the family's leadership, and she exceeded expectations.

Women today can learn a lot from her leadership style and example. Both Muslim women and men can learn a lot from her public portrayal of the Karbala conflict. The only way for Muslim women in particular and women in general to honour her sacrifice is to be motivated by her example and exercise courage in the face of oppression, patience in trying times, and other virtues.

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