Can U.S. Sanctions Curb Chinese gient?

 Why did America not impose sanctions on China the way they did on Iran?

Because the US is afraid and sanctions are ineffective.

The United States most frequently employs its financial and military superiority when seeking to impose sanctions. But it is evidently hesitant to implement military sanctions. Because China's current military force is highly effective at deterring potential threats and can fend them off. The United States is also aware of this.

What about economic sanctions, though? Unfortunately, neither of them work. China is not what it once was, to start. China now enjoys a thriving economy and extensive international trade.

Additionally, China's foreign trade is governed. Therefore, the United States lacks the authority and justification to impose economic penalties on China. Additionally, if economic sanctions were to be implemented, the Chinese response would be so severe as to seriously harm the American economy.

Second, the economies of the nations subject to US sanctions tend to have relatively straightforward economic structures, such as those of Cuba, Iran, and Russia, which rely heavily on sugar and tourism as well as oil and gas resources, respectively. As a result, it only takes minor US actions to have an adverse effect on these nations' economies.

China, on the other hand, has a diversified economy and a great capacity for innovation. Additionally, several nations have benefited directly from China's economic initiatives including the Belt and Road Initiative, the Maritime Silk Road, and the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank. As a result, it is challenging for the US to impose penalties on China.

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