The war of trogen

 Many people believe that Homer's Iliad's excellent account of the Trojan War is historical reality rather than just an epic poetry because it is so vividly recounted.

King Priam of Troy, a wealthy and ancient city in Asia Minor, asked his son Paris to decide which of the goddesses—Aphrodite, Hera, or Athena—deserved to be dubbed the most attractive.

Helen, the wife of Menelaus, the king of Sparta, was the most stunning woman in the world, as promised to Paris by Aphrodite. Helen was taken by Paris, and the two fled to Troy.

Agamemnon, the ruler of Mycenae and the brother of Menelaus, led the Greeks in a massive expedition to find Helen.

After ten years of siege, the Greek Army under the charismatic Achilles eventually captured Troy by using the ingenious Trojan Horse.

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