Find Your Way with the Sun


Did you ever find yourself trapped in a forest and wondered which way was north? You can use the light and a few rocks to figure it out, so don't worry. I'll demonstrate for you!

**Watch the Shadow Move:** Find a sunny spot and put down a block that's about 3 feet long. Put a small rock where the end of the shadow touches the ground.  

**Wait a Bit:** Now just wait 10 to 15 minutes. That gives the sun time to move across the sky a little. Put another rock where the shadow end is now.

**Draw the Sun Line:** Draw a straight line connecting your two rocks. That line shows the way the sun moved from east to west.  

**Face North:** Stand with your left foot on the first rock and right foot on the second. Congrats! You're now looking toward the north.

**Why Does This Work?** The Earth spins, making the sun seem to move from east to west across the sky each day. As it moves, the shadow shifts in the opposite direction. By marking where the shadow ends up, you trace the sun's path.

**Some Tips:**

**Time of Day:** This is easiest when the sun is high, like in the morning or afternoon.  

**Where You Are:** How accurate it is depends on your location on Earth. The farther north or south, the less true north it points.

**Cloud Cover:** Overcast skies can hide the shadow. 

Take A Look at It!** Take a block and some rocks outside and see if you can spot north with the sun's assistance. You shouldn't be alarmed by how easy it looks. Try it out, and you will be amazed!

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