The Big Bridge Over the Canal: A Clever Design


The Sart Canal Bridge was finished in 2002. It shows how engineers can build great things today in Belgium. This bridge stretches a long 498 meters from one side to the other. It's also 46 meters wide. This lets boats and ships easily pass through without trouble. Its height of 5.5 meters means all kinds of boats can go under without needing to stop or go down to the ground.

It cost about €62 million euros to build the Sart Canal Bridge. But it helps in a big way with transportation in Belgium. Boats can travel smoothly between the Meuse and Scheldt Rivers now. This helps businesses that use the waterways to move goods. It also helps more people enjoy visiting the beautiful sights along the rivers.

The designers of the bridge were clever. Not only does it let boats pass through with no problems, but cars and trucks below have no troubles either. It looks great too! As important infrastructure, the Sart Canal Bridge shows how modern engineering can support economic growth and improve transportation for a community.

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