Global Harvests


The Mine that Feeds the World

The town of Berezniki in Russia has a mine like no other. For decades, it has dug up sylvinite from deep underground. Sylvinite is used to make potash. Potash helps farmers grow the food we all eat. 

This one mine provides a tenth of the whole world's potash supply! Can you believe one place is so important? Without it, many meals wouldn't be possible. The sylvinite from Berezniki plays a big part in making sure people everywhere have nutritious crops to choose from. 

Mining started in Berezniki over 80 years ago. At first, just a few people worked there. Now thousands work at the mine site and nearby plants that process the sylvinite. Having jobs means they can support their families. The mine also pumps money into the local and national economy. 

Of course, mining anything changes the environment. The land, air and water around Berezniki have been impacted. Steps try to limit pollution and return areas to nature. Still, feeding so many is vital work that can't be ignored. Finding a balance is tricky but important too. 

After many decades, this underground wonder keeps chugging along. With care and smart planning, it could fuel food production for generations to come. Berezniki shows what one mine in one town can do for people everywhere on the planet. Its story is amazing!

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