Wushan Airport


 Where Mountains Were Moved for Your Journey

As I gazed out the airplane window during our descent, I couldn't believe my eyes when I saw what the workers had accomplished. Mountains that once towered over the land had been smoothed and carved away, with their massive chunks moved aside to make room for this airport that now perched on the edge of terrain once deemed too difficult to tame. After years of grit and determination against the heights and harsh conditions of nature, this engineering marvel was ready to welcome the first travelers to this remote yet stunning part of China. I felt a swell of admiration for all those whose sweat and skills had moved heaven and earth to build this gateway to the marvelous https://bcgame.top/i-2648532dk-n/

Three Gorges region. My adventure was just beginning, and it started on the solid ground that true dedication had lowered from the sky.

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