The Final Journey of Alexander the Great


From Death to Immortality

After Alexander the Great died in 323 BC, people tried hard to preserve his body. They relocated it to Egypt to prevent it from decaying.This showed how much they respected Alexander and wanted to remember him. Here's what they did with his body and why it was important.

Keeping Him From Rotting

The Egyptians had a special way of fixing bodies so they wouldn't rot. They took out the organs and soaked the body in liquids. This kept bugs from getting in and the body from drying out. 

They also wrapped the body tightly in cloth bandages like mummies. Sometimes they put special charms on the body too. These were meant to protect the person in the afterlife.

To Hide Any Smell 

They rubbed sweet smelling things like myrrh and cinnamon on the body. This covered up any bad smells. It also made the body seem more special.

Sealing It In

They coated the body with resin or wax. This created a barrier so water or air couldn't get in. It helped keep the body in good shape.

Where He Was Kept

Alexander's preserved body was placed in a fancy container fit for a great leader:

- Golden Coffin: Some say his body was in a beautiful golden box decorated with jewels. 

- Glass or Crystal Box: Others mention a see-through container of glass or crystal. People could look inside and see Alexander's body.

Remembering a Famous Leader

The place where he was buried in Alexandria became important. Important people like Julius Caesar and Augustus went there to show respect. But over time, no one is sure where exactly he was buried or what happened to his body. Scholars have different ideas like it was destroyed or hidden somewhere else. But no one knows for sure what really happened in the end.

In conclusion, taking such good care of Alexander's body after he died showed how much people admired him. It helped keep his memory alive for future generations, even if the exact spot where he rests is now a mystery from long ago. Learning about what they did can teach us about their customs and respect for great leaders in the past.

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