The Brave Swimmer Who Saved 29 Lives from Yerevan Lake


Shavarsh Karapetyan

The Unsung Hero of Yerevan Lake

On an ordinary day that turned extraordinary, a trolleybus fell over a dam wall and sank into Yerevan Lake. Shavarsh Karapetyan, 23, (gold medalist swimmer in 1976), acted quickly and without hesitation. He dashed to the scene, removed his clothes, and dove into the dark, dirty waters. The water had almost no visibility. Yet, Karapetyan didn't falter. He swam 15 feet down to reach the trolleybus, only to find the windows shut. Desperately, he kicked out the rear window, injuring his legs severely in the process. For the next 20 minutes, he tirelessly pulled 37 people to the surface. Of those, 20 survived, and another nine managed to escape through the window he had broken open. This heroic act left Karapetyan with pneumonia, permanently scarring his lungs. He spent three weeks in the hospital before he could walk again. But his spirit was indomitable.

The next year, when winter's chill started to fade into spring's warm embrace, he laced up his skates with familiar fingers, longing to feel the rush of wind in his hair and ice beneath his blades once more. Though his body had known breaks and strains, his passion pulled him back to the rink like a magnet to steel. All the long hours of training paid off as he glided toward victory, claiming gold and etching his name into the record books one final, glorious time before departing the sport he loved with a heart too full to hold more memories.

Shavarsh never thought of himself as brave - he simply acted on instinct when he saw others in need. Time and again, he risked life and limb, driven not by a desire for praise but by empathy for his fellow man. Though frail of form, his spirit persevered where sterner men faltered. In helping strangers with no thought of reward, he illuminated what it means to be truly selfless. His was a quiet heroism, demonstrated through small kindnesses rather than grand acts, but which impacted communities all the same. He showed with simplicity and grace that one good person can light many dark places. ✨

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