the capture of the most wanted Mossad agent.

 The Life and Mission of Eli Cohen


Life, Birth, and Family Background:

Born in Egypt to a Jewish father and a Syrian mother, Joined Israeli intelligence in 1960.

Training and infiltration Joining Israeli Intelligence: I started working with Israeli intelligence in 1960. I was trained to spy in Syria in 1961. Sent to Syria under the alias Kamel Amin Tabet, posing as a businessman. 

Undercover in Argentina Buenos Aires Setup: Reached Buenos Aires, Argentina, in 1961. Adopted the identity of Kamel Amin Tabet. Established connections with Syrian businessmen and military attaché General Amin Al-Hafeez. He claimed he wanted to return to Syria to invest his family’s wealth in development. 

Life in Damascus Establishing Presence in Syria:I moved to Damascus and started a business as an exporter. He used his wealth to befriend influential people, including military officers. He became close to the general’s nephew, gaining access to critical military sites.

Key Intelligence Gathered Crucial Discoveries: Revealed Syria's plan to divert water from rivers feeding the Sea of Galilee.Informed Israel about Syrian military deployments and infiltration routes.It is suggested to plant eucalyptus trees on the Golan Heights to mark Syrian military positions, aiding Israeli attacks. 

Rising Suspicion and Capture: Syrian President Amin Al Hafeez offered him the position of Defense Minister. Syrian defense advisor Ahmed Suidani suspected a spy within their ranks. With Soviet assistance, we tracked radio transmissions in Damascus. Caught red-handed while making a radio transmission in April 1965.

Trial and Execution: tortured for about a month. Publicly hanged on May 18, 1965, in Marjeh Square, Damascus.His body was displayed for eight hours, and people were allowed to hit it with shoes and slippers.

Legacy Aftermath: Multiple attempts by Israel to retrieve his body were unsuccessful. In recent years, Mossad has recovered his watch worn during his mission in Syria.

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