The Gift of Experience


Practice What You Preach: Uphold your promises and follow through on your commitments. 

True class is heartfelt: exemplify good manners and a kind heart, not wealth. 

Seek Maturity: Opt for a mature, self-assured partner.

Stay Humble: Exude politeness and remain down-to-earth in all circumstances. 

Show resilience: Conceal your suffering and stand strong. 

Argue Wisely: Win debates with reason rather than rage. It's sometimes easier to accept disagreement. 

Time is a valuable resource, so use it wisely. 

Depend on yourself. Develop self-sufficiency since you could have to face difficulties alone.Regulate your feelings! 

Control your feelings; resist letting retaliation and rage rule you. 

Move On and Forgive: To achieve peace, accept forgiveness toward both yourself and other people.

 Learn from others: To accelerate your own development and learning,surround yourself with smarter people. 

Steer clear of meaningless arguments by avoiding conflict with people who use unfair strategies.

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