US-China tech rivalry centered on RISC-V chip technology

The brewing technology war between the US. and China revolve around RISC-V chip technology. RISC-V stands out as an open source alternative to the expensive proprietary technology offered by British semiconductor software design company Arm Holdings This versatile technology requires applications from powering smartphone chips to advanced processors driving artificial intelligence up. 

Notably, executives at China's Huawei Technologies have enthusiastically embraced RISC-V as a cornerstone in their country's efforts to develop its own semiconductor chips This prompted the U.S. among lawmakers concerned that Beijing could take advantage of a culture of implicit cooperation among American firms to boost its semiconductor business . Such a development could undermine the current US. leadership in the chip industry and help China modernize its military capabilities. 

U.S. and the center of China's chip competition is Taiwan, where most of the advanced chips used by big companies like Nvidia and Apple are made In response to these concerns, the U.S. introduced sweeping regulations aimed at cutting off Chinese access to critical equipment and materials needed to produce advanced chips seeks to restrict access, creating technological competitiveness between these two global giants is strong. 

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