Roman festivities


ludi Ceriales, or Cerealia games.

During the celebration of Cerealia in Rome, which took place from April 12th to 19th, the goddess Ceres was honored with various festivities, including the ludi Ceriales, or Cerealia games. One peculiar tradition during this festival involved tying small torches to the tails of foxes and releasing them into the Circus 

Maximus arena, although the reason for this ritual remains unknown. Some believe that it was believed to have a positive effect on crop growth and protection from disease. Ovid, a Roman poet, offered a mythical explanation for the tradition. According to him, a boy from the provinces once caught a fox stealing chickens and decided to set it on fire. However, he did not anticipate the fox fleeing to a field and burning all the 

crops dedicated to Ceres. The Ludi Ceriales also featured various forms of entertainment, including ludi circenses (chariot races), plays, and from 175 BCE, theatrical performances known as ludi scaenici.

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