Do You need Vormox?

 In a village, vermox stomaching worm medicine started selling very well

. As much vermox as the entire district was being sold in just this one village.

  Even the drug company was surprised. The MD of the company decided to visit the village himself. After suffering and being pushed, he went to the desert village in the heat and found out that there was no doctor at all. only a native fake practioner were  checking the peoples

  When the company employee introduced himself and explained the reason for coming, native fake practioner asked him to sit quietly and started seeing the patients.

  The first patient came. He said that yesterday I had eaten stale bread, so now I have pain in my stomach. Dr wrote and sent Vermox in the prescription.

   Another man came in injured. He said that he had climbed a palm tree and fell. Dr also prescribed Vermox to him.

  The third man came with an injury on his nose. He said that he was milking a buffalo when the buffalo kicked his leg. Dralso prescribed Vermox and sent him away.

  The MD of the company spoke that why they all needed Vermox

  grant; The first one had a worm, so he ate stale bread. The other one had a worm, so it ran on the date palm. The third also had a worm that sat next to the buffalo's leg. Therefore, everyone here has a worm that causes disease.

  The MD of the company started to get up quietly, so  Dr wrote a paper "Vermox" and put it in his hand.

  Hi! Why do I have vermox?

  Dr: Well, your medicine was selling, so you should have calmed down.

  But you also  has a worm, who did not allow you to sit down, after suffering so much pain, you came to such a distant village.


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