Beware of pickpockets

 He try to put his hand into his side pocket to give fare the conductor.

 said the stranger sitting next to him, holding his hand tightly.

 "No sir! Your fare given!!!

Villager said that he would give his fare himself but the stranger was very kind and gave it to the conductor...

 At the next stop, the stranger got off the bus and when villager started to take something out of his pocket, he sat down, the stranger had been picked his *pocket*...

 The next day, villager caught the thief in the market, so he started *hugging*  the villager 

 Sir!  "I'm sorry. My daughter died after you stole."

 villager tenderly forgives him...

 The thief went away,with villager's wallet once again.

 A few days later,villager was

 on the motorcycle  he saw the  thief on the way and stopped him.

 The thief asked villager *forgiveness* in tears, returned his robbed money and took him to a nearby shop and offered him a *cold drink* and left.....

 villager happily when he came to the place of his motorcycle, he saw that this time the thief had taken his motorcycle.


 *_This is the case of our people and our rulers_* The people trust them again and again and the rulers steal them every time in a new way...!!!

 *But the people are blind to reason*...!!!!.

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